Vigna 800 .

L’azienda agricola nasce nel 2001 dalla scommessa di un uomo, Gianfranco Elampini: produrre del buon vino con le uve della propria terra, come si faceva una volta. L’azienda ha la certificazione biologica dal raccolto 2016, adottando il metodo della semina del sovescio.


The farm business was born in 2001 for a bet of a man, Gianfranco Elampini: producing good wine with the grapes of his own fields, just how it used to be in the past.

In the heartland of Valpolicella, the wine cellar Vigna ‘800 houses the finest wines of our tradition. A place of taste and pleasure in order to appreciate the terroir of one of the most beautiful areas in Italy. Valpolicella classico, Valpolicella superiore “Ripasso”, Amarone, and Recioto represent the core of the farm business Vigna ‘800. Gianfranco Elampini has renamed them as el Campanar, la Cesolina and Virgo Moron: these were the classic names of the wines coming from the traditional local history of Verona.

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